Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: screen shots

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica is already up and its quite nice watching the episode one. Here's my episode one screen grabs, and lets formally meet few characters.

I don't have character details yet. Will update this as the new episode run's through.
Anyway, am crossing my fingers this would give us more action and fun. :)

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Akatsuki
The Maverick Hero, The Hero and The Super king! hehe
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Myuu
Daughter of the Demon King that was slayed by Akatsuki
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Hikami Kyouya
Babel High, student council president.
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Princess Listy
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Valkyria
Additional random grabs:

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Akatsuki
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Myuu
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Akatsuki
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Myuu
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Akatsuki
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica: Ousawa Myuu
Initial post here, will try to update this one as the season runs through!


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