Monday, July 2, 2012

ANIME: Few of My Favorites & where it all begun!

First, let's categorically specify the difference between ANIME and CARTOON:


- Distinct facial expressions. Wide variation in physical characteristics. Physical features of characters are, on the whole, closer to reality than cartoons.

- English dictionaries define the word as ‘Japanese style of motion picture animation’.

- Anime concentrates mostly on life issues or things tied closer to human emotion.


- Characters usually have features that are not relative to the rest of the body and therefore further from from reality than anime
- A cartoon was used as a model or study for a painting but is now associated with caricatures for humor and satire.
- Cartoons are generally made to make people laugh and so is more comical
Anime and me:

I don't actually believe that anime is just for kids, some might actually have that idea, but if you actually evaluate the story lines we can learn more of it than to those of our daily soap opera's trust me.

I am not an OTAKU or a geek in that sense about Anime or Manga (since usually anime's are based on Manga). Few I've known anime's are of course the heroic battle of Son Goku, for The Dragon Balls, Ghost fighter, cuz darn Dennis is hot, haha! and so my ever favorite SLAMDUNK, yes, I was actually recruited by those pink ladies to cheer and shout R-U-K-A-W-A, RUKAWA , L-O-V-E RUKAWA.. hehe!. Lastly the samurai slashing hero Kenshin Himura for Samurai-X.

Back in early 1998, I was glued on Vandread, were women colony battle against men's colony. And since women are so good hearted, they rescued a handsome guy abandoned in the battle yard named Hibiki, w/c later on joined them as a partner of Dita. Later then, we found out that the assistant captain was not actually a real woman but a gay.

Vandread was not actually pure action but there's a romantic twist behind the story. The story of Hibiki and Dita are the one who pushes me to dig deeper and explore various genre's of anime.

Fantasy Romance is actually an awesome genre the like's of Fushigi Yugi and Ayashi No Ceres are a good story to catch.

I've also watched a Romance | Drama story titled Hanasakeru Seishōnen and it was nice piece.

Romantic Comedy is actually the genre I was hooked up to. Few titles that are actually made into live action adaptation are Hana Yori Dango, The Wallflower, Peach Girl and if I was not mistaken Kimi Ni Todoke.

If you were in any way captivated by the stories of those I mentioned above try these titles below where I've actually done watching.

1. Ouran High School Host Club
2. Kaiwacho wa Maid-Sama
3. Itatzura na Kiss
4. Earl and Fairy
5. Lovely Complex
6. Tora Dora
8. Special A
10.Midori Days
11. Aishiteruze baby
12.School Rumble
13.Mayo Chiki
14. Bakura Ga Ita
15.Fruit Basket (Though it has a blend of Fantasy in it)

These are few that I can remember so far, will update this later if my mind could figure out the rest.

If you want something more like romance, supernatural and drama blend into one try Vampire Knight season 1 & 2.

The longest running anime's I guess were Naruto and Bleach, and so am still watching 'em though its a bit irritating having to wait for the next episode.

If you want action comedy with dark fantasy try Black Butler, surely Sebastian will gladly serve you the best.

For just a good laugh and more try Great Teacher Onizuka.

I am not an anime expert, I was just sharing here something I dig up during those years of watching anime's.

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